Intermec Printer - Configuration

Intermec Printer - Configuration

Intermec printers can be configured via their web interface.

Connect to the printers with http (not https).

Table of Contents


Navigate to the main page, and click on the Login button.

Type in the user and password. See the password vault for this information. Click the Login button.

Update Firmware


  1. Click on the Services tab

  2. Click on the Upgrade firmware link

  3. Browse to find the new firmware.

The firmware files are usually kept in the C:\distr\Intermec-PD43 folder. Look around if it’s not there.

The upload and reboot will take about 3 minutes on a LAN connection. It may take a bit longer.

If the firmware was updated, login again.

Update Display Settings

  1. Open the Configure tab.

  2. Click on the System Settings → Display link

  3. Set the Idle Information to display the IPv4 Address

  4. Change the date format to ‘yyyy-mm-dd’.

  5. Disable the Menu access.

  6. Click on the Save button (which will light up when there are changes).

WARNING: if you do not click on the Save button and navigate away, your changes will be lost. There is no “Are You Sure?” popup to warn you.

Set the Timezone


  1. Click on the Configure tab

  2. Click on the System Settings → General link

  3. Change the DST Adjust to Enable.

  4. Change the Timezone to the appropriate timezone.

  5. Click Save.

NOTE: do not try to set the time at this point. When the timezone changes, the data you put in to the time will not take hold.

Set the Date and Time

  1. Click on the Configure tab

  2. Click on the System Settings → General Link

  3. Set the Time in 24-hour format

  4. Set the Date

  5. Click on Save

WARNING: if you do not click on the Save button and navigate away, your changes will be lost. There is no “Are You Sure?” popup to warn you.

Set the Printing Media

  1. Click on the Configure tab

  2. Click on the Printing → Media link

  3. Set the Print Method to No Ribbon (these are thermal printers)

  4. Set the Media Margin (X) to 8 - this is just a starting point. See Adjustments below.

  5. Set the Power Up Action to No Action.

  6. Click Save

NOTE: If this is a Jewelry printer, you will want to set the Media Type to Black Mark for the media that have black marks on the back:

Set Print Quality

  1. Click on the Configure tab

  2. Click on the Printing → Print Quality link

  3. Set the Darkness to 75

  4. Click Save


Login to the Pricing station, exit the AMI application if necessary, and login again.

The process will be:

  1. Print a tag

  2. Make adjustments

  3. Repeat until the tags look right

  4. VOID these tags in the AMI Application.


  1. Click on the Configure tab

  2. Click on the Printing → Media link

Because we print the labels upside down, some of the adjustments are not intuitive. Make the adjustments in 12 dot increments, fine tuning once the label looks close to centered.

  • If the price needs to move UP: Increase the ‘Label Top Adjust’

  • If the price needs to move DOWN: Decrement the ‘Label Top Adjust’

  • If the price needs to move LEFT: Increase the ‘Media Margin X’

  • If the price needs to move RIGHT: Decrease the ‘Media Margin X’

You will need to click Save after each adjustment.

VOID New Tags

Make sure to VOID the tags created during this adjustment.


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