Sound Payments

Sound Payments

Q1: When tendering a credit card sale, POS timed out, however, the customer says that her credit card was charged. How can I check whether the customer was charged or not?

Cashiers can access the Sound Payments Portal using a read-only user to see whether the customer has been charged or not.

The Sound Payments Portal can be reached at this URL: https://secure.spwebportal.com/Merchant

Each store has a different username to access Sound Payments. All stores except Farmington use this format: <4-char name>_c (e.g. Alton’s login is alts_c). Farmington uses fars_a.

Once logged in, select Transactions → Transactions in the left panel. This will show all of the credit card transactions for today. Filter the POS ID to limit the data to a single register.

Look for an Approval Code, the Approved Amt (not the Total Amt), and the Void/Tip entry on the far right column. If all three elements are present, then the customer’s account will be charged when we do the nightly settlement.

These three transactions have an Approved Amt, Approval Code, and Void / Tip entry, thus, they will be charged to the customer.

Note: the TransDate column has the time of the transaction. The time zone is Eastern. So, it is one hour ahead of the Central time zone.

For example: on the first line, 6:01:47 PM is really 5:01:47 PM Central time.

Q2: I want to lookup a credit card charge in Sound Payments but it won’t let me log in. I think someone changed the password and didn’t share it. Can you reset the password?

Users are required to change their passwords every 90 days. The changed password may not have been shared with all cashiers at the store. So, it must be reset to the original password.

Unfortunately, Sound Payments password aging policy remembers the last 4 passwords. This means in order to get back to the original password, you have to reset the password 4 times. Use the ‘forgot password’ link to reset the password.

If you don’t know the answers to the security questions, contact Foresight Automation.


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